Expansión included 16 alumni in its ranking “100 most powerful women in business in 2021”

Oficina de Exalumnos

One more time, the ITAM Alumni stands out in the edition of the 100 most powerful women in business according to the Expansion 2021 magazine.

In the ranking were included 15 alumni, who works in areas such as insurance, construction, finance, airlines, automotive, food, energy, and telecommunications.

Expansión magazine affirms that it is necessary not to lose sight of the social change that involves having women in senior management, since this allows to show that those who are beginning their working career that it is possible to reach and open the way for women in companies.

We congratulate all the alumni in the list, and you are a source of pride for our Institute.




Position and company


Mónica Bauer

Bachelor in International Relations

Vice President of Corporate Affairs for Latin America PepsiCo

Food and drinks

Sofía Belmar


CEO of Metlife México

Insurance and sureties

Guadalupe Phillips

Bachelor in Law

CEO of ICA companies


Rosa Angélica Garza Sánchez


Executive Vice President of Human Resources of Grupo Aeroméxico


Mónica Aspe

Bachelor in Political Science

Interim CEO of AT&T México


Magdalena López

Diploma in Top Management Program

CEO of Renault México


María Asunción Aramburuzabala Larregui

Bachelor in Public Accountancy

President of the board of directors of Tresalia Capital


Angélica Ruiz Celis

Bachelor in Economics

CEO of México BP


Martha Lyssette Bravo Valero


Diploma in Economic Journalism

Director of External Communication and Public Affairs for Mexico and Latam at HSBC México


Laura Cruz

  Bachelor in Economics

Country Manager of Mastercard México


Elia Santillán

Diploma in Business Management and Development

CEO of Atento México

Personal services

Liliana Reyes

Diploma in Executive Finance

CEO of the Mexican Association of Private Capital (Amexcap)


Norma Alicia Rosas


Bachelor in Actuary, MBA and Diploma in Applied Statistics

General Director of the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS)

Insurance and sureties

Nora Villafuerte

Diploma in Organizational Development

Vice President of Human Resources of Nestlé México

Food and drinks

María Beatriz Escobedo

Bachelor in Law and MBA

CEO of Peña Verde


María Paola Martorelli

Bachelor in Political Science

Director of Public Affairs & Advocacy of Sanofi Mexico

Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical


"The companies play a decisive role in the path towards equality in our society. That’s why is important to promote from the executive strategies the gender diversity in every level and address the factors that prevent more women from reaching senior management positions”. Monica Aspe, interim CEO of AT&T Mexico